
Turbo Distilling Yeast
Turbo Distilling Yeast
Turbo Distilling Yeast

Turbo Distilling Yeast

Regular price $14.99
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Turbo Distilling Yeast is an advanced turbo yeast for producing high-quality alcohol with professional results.

It makes up to 18% ABV, creating up to 25 liters of clean, low-congener wash quickly.

Unleash the craft distiller within and experience the benefit of professional-grade results!

Its high-performance fermentation means you can create a high-alcohol wash in just 48 hours – with its unique formulation, it takes less time and effort to achieve the same results as traditional yeast mixtures.


Water Pump for Moonshine Still
Water Pump for Moonshine Still
Water Pump for Moonshine Still

Water Pump for Moonshine Still

Regular price $19.99
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Moonshine Magic: How a High-Quality Water Pump Can Take Your Brew to the Next Level

Our Water Pump is easy to install and delivers reliable performance, so you can spend more time perfecting your brew and less time worrying about your set-up. Get ready for next-level moonshine with this game-changing equipment!

The Difference the Right Equipment Makes 

If you're a homebrewer, you know that the quality of your moonshine depends on a variety of factors, from the quality of your ingredients to the temperature and humidity of your brewing environment.

But there's one often-overlooked factor that can make a huge difference in the taste and consistency of your brew: your water pump.


A high-quality water pump can help you achieve the perfect flow rate, ensure consistent temperatures, and even help you maintain the right levels of dissolved oxygen in your mash.


Whether you're a seasoned distiller or just starting out, a top-notch water pump can take your moonshine to the next level.

Investing in a high-quality water pump is a must for distillers of all levels.

Superior flow rates, more consistent temperatures, and the right amount of oxygen in the mash are all attainable when the right pump is chosen and utilized correctly. Making this smart purchase will result in smoother, clearer, and tastier moonshine.

Get your water pump and elevate your spirits distilling!


The Importance of Water in Moonshine Brewing


Water is one of the most important ingredients in moonshine brewing. It is used to create the mash, which is a mixture of grains and water that is fermented to create alcohol.


The quality of the water you use can have a significant impact on the final product. If the water is contaminated or has a high mineral content, it can affect the taste and clarity of your moonshine.


Additionally, the amount of water you use and the temperature at which it is added can impact the sugar extraction process, which can affect the alcohol content and flavor of your final product. For these reasons, it's critical to use high-quality water in your moonshine brewing process


How a High-Quality Water Pump Can Improve Your Moonshine Brewing Process

A water pump is an essential component of any moonshine brewing setup. It is used to move water from a source, such as a well or municipal supply, to your mash run.


A high-quality water pump can help you achieve a consistent flow rate, which is critical for maintaining the proper ratio of water to grain in your mash.

It can also help you maintain a consistent temperature throughout the brewing process, which is important for achieving optimal sugar extraction and fermentation.

Moonshine Brewing Tips for Beginners

If you're new to moonshine brewing, there are several tips and tricks that can help you get started. First and foremost, it's important to start with high-quality ingredients, including grains, yeast, and water.

You'll also need to pay close attention to the temperature and humidity of your brewing environment, as well as the pH of your mash. It's also important to sanitize all of your equipment thoroughly to prevent contamination.

Finally, patience is key when it comes to moonshine brewing. Be prepared to wait several weeks or even months for your final product to be ready.



Wheat for Moonshine -1 lb
Wheat for Moonshine -1 lb
Wheat for Moonshine -1 lb

Wheat for Moonshine -1 lb

Regular price $6.99 Sale price $4.99
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Craft the smoothest, most delicious moonshine with our premium wheat grain. Elevate your distilling game and impress your taste buds every time!

Experience a new level of distilling expertise with our premium wheat grain. Become a master of flavor and delight your senses with each sip.


  • Unleash the full potential of your spirits
  • Our wheat makes a smooth, deep-flavored moonshine
  • High starch content allows for versatility in creating a velvety texture that will delight your taste buds.


Transform your moonshine with our specially treated raw wheat, adding a full-bodied texture, velvety mouthfeel and excellent head retention. Incorporate up to 40% in your grist and taste the enhanced character for yourself!


What is Moonshine?

Moonshine is a term used to describe homemade, high-proof distilled spirits that are typically produced illegally in homes or the outdoors. The term 'moonshine' refers to making moonshine 'by the light of the moon' to avoid detection from the authorities. 


Moonshine is typically made from corn, sugar, or other grains and is known for its potent kick and burn.


Understanding the origins and production process of moonshine is essential for appreciating its historical significance and continued popularity.

Can You Use Wheat in Moonshine?


Wheat is a highly versatile and beneficial grain to use in moonshine production. Its smooth flavor adds depth to the final spirits, making it a popular choice for distillers.

Additionally, wheat has a high starch content, which is essential for fermentation and the production of alcohol.

This high starch content also contributes to the velvety texture that wheat-based moonshine is known for.


In recent years, there has been a movement towards using premium, locally sourced ingredients in distilling, and wheat fits perfectly into this trend.


Wheat moonshine offers a smooth flavor, high starch content, and velvety texture, making it a versatile and beneficial choice for distillers.

Its alignment with the movement towards premium, locally sourced ingredients further solidifies its place in the moonshine industry.


Types of Wheat for Moonshine

There are various types of wheat that are commonly used in the production of moonshine.

Each type of wheat brings its own unique flavor and characteristics to the moonshine, making it important for distillers to understand the differences in order to create the perfect blend.

Information For Our Moonshine Wheat


Moisture ................................................................. 7.0%

Extract FG, Dry Basis ........................................... 70.0%

Protein, Dry Basis ................................................. 10.0%

Conversion Time .............................................. <10 min

Color ................................................................ 2.0 SRM

Brewer's Red Flaked Wheat

Flaked wheat is a popular ingredient in brewing, particularly in the production of wheat beer styles and vodkas.

Unlike malted wheat, flaked wheat does not contain malted enzymes necessary for sugar conversion during the brewing process. However, it does contribute to the beer's smooth, creamy mouthfeel and adds a slightly sweet, grainy flavor.

In moonshine production, flaked wheat is also used as a key ingredient in creating a smooth and creamy mouthfeel in the final product.

Malted Barley

Malted barley plays a crucial role in the production of whiskey. During the mashing process, malted barley is used to convert the starch in the grains into sugar, which is essential for fermentation.

The malted barley contains enzymes such as amylase, which break down the starches in the grains, releasing the sugars needed for fermentation. These enzymes are critical for the whiskey-making process, as they enable the use of grains like corn, barley, or rye, which contain starch but lack the necessary enzymes for fermentation.

The key steps in using malted barley in whiskey production include mashing, where the malted barley is mixed with hot water to release its enzymes and convert the starches into sugars, followed by fermentation where yeast is added to the sugary liquid to produce alcohol, and then distillation to create the whiskey.

Malted grains, particularly barley, are integral to this process as they provide the necessary enzymes for starch conversion, ultimately leading to the production of whiskey. Without malted barley and its enzymes, the creation of whiskey would not be possible.

Straight Wheat Whiskey

Straight wheat whiskey must have a mash bill containing at least 51% wheat, distilled to no more than 160 proof, and aged in new, charred oak barrels for a minimum of two years.

Unlike other wheat whiskeys, which may be aged in used or uncharred barrels, straight wheat whiskey must adhere to these specific aging requirements. Furthermore, straight wheat whiskey cannot have any added coloring or flavoring.

By following this aging and production process, straight wheat whiskey differs from other wheat whiskeys and bourbon by producing a smoother and more mellow flavor profile.

It tends to have a lighter, sweeter, and softer taste with notes of caramel, vanilla, and fruit, making it a popular choice for those who prefer a more delicate and nuanced whiskey.

Ingredients Needed for Making Moonshine with Wheat

Moonshine is a traditional and potent distilled alcoholic beverage that has been a part of American history for centuries.

Making moonshine with wheat is a popular choice for those seeking a smooth and flavorful final product. To create this classic spirit, a few key ingredients are needed to kickstart the fermentation and distillation process.


Water is a crucial element in the whiskey-making process as it plays a significant role in various stages.

During fermentation, using cold water helps to maintain a consistent temperature, which is essential for the yeast to effectively convert sugars into alcohol. This consistency ensures a successful fermentation process, resulting in a high-quality whiskey with a well-balanced flavor profile.

Additionally, water can impact the texture and consistency of the mash, affecting the overall quality of the whiskey.


By adjusting the amount of water, distillers can control the thickness of the mash, which is essential for extracting the desired flavors and aromas during the distillation process.


For a standard whiskey recipe, it is recommended to start with a specific amount of cold water, typically sourced from a clean and reliable water source. This starting amount ensures that the fermentation process and mash consistency are properly maintained, leading to a high-quality whiskey with a well-developed flavor profile.

The mineral composition of water also plays a vital role in the fermentation process and the flavor profile of the whiskey. Different minerals in the water, such as calcium, magnesium, and sulfates, can affect the yeast activity during fermentation and ultimately influence the taste of the whiskey.

For example, water high in calcium can lead to a more robust fermentation process, while water with high sulfate levels can enhance the hop bitterness in the final whiskey product.


Wheat Mash

To create a wheat mash for moonshine production, you will need wheat grains, water, and yeast.

First, rinse the wheat grains thoroughly to remove any debris. Then, place the grains in a container and cover them with water. Let the grains soak for about 8-12 hours, and then drain the water. Next, transfer the grains to a damp cloth and allow them to germinate for 2-3 days, keeping them moist. Once the grains have sprouted, they are ready for mashing.

To make the mash, crush the germinated wheat grains and mix them with water in a fermentation vessel. Add yeast to the mixture and stir well. Allow the mixture to ferment for about 7-10 days, or until the bubbling stops and the mash no longer smells sweet. This indicates that the fermentation process is complete.

Once the wheat mash is fermented, it is ready for distillation. Properly distill the mash to produce moonshine, and discard any foreshots and heads to ensure a safe and drinkable product.

Following these steps will result in a high-quality wheat mash for moonshine production.

Wheat Moonshine Grain Kit
Wheat Moonshine Grain Kit
Wheat Moonshine Grain Kit
Wheat Moonshine Grain Kit
Wheat Moonshine Grain Kit
Wheat Moonshine Grain Kit

Wheat Moonshine Grain Kit

Regular price $48.99 Sale price $39.99
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Make the most of your moonshine with our Wheat Moonshine Grain Kit! 

Discover the Ultimate Wheat Moonshine Experience Elevate your moonshine game with our mouth-watering wheat moonshine kit Comes with simple, step-by-step instructions with the included digital recipe card. 

  • Experience the smooth and clean flavor of wheat moonshine
  • Simple step by step instructions included
  • Get all your ingredients in one convenient kit

Your Kit Includes: 


  • 5 1lb bags of wheat for moonshine 
  • 2 1lb bags of malted barley
  • 1 package of best yeast for moonshine

What is Wheat Moonshine?

Wheat moonshine, also known as white whiskey or white lightning, is a type of moonshine made from wheat grains.

This homemade distilled spirit is known for its smooth and clean flavor, making it a popular choice for many moonshine enthusiasts.

Wheat moonshine is often sought after for its versatility and ability to be used as a base for various cocktails and mixed drinks. Its production process involves fermenting and distilling the wheat grains, resulting in a high-proof alcohol that is commonly enjoyed in small, sipped quantities.

While moonshine is illegal to produce and sell without a proper permit in many places, the tradition of making and enjoying wheat moonshine has been passed down through generations in some regions.

With its crisp taste and cultural significance, wheat moonshine continues to be a cherished part of the moonshine tradition.

What is a Grain Kit?

A grain kit is a specialized set of ingredients designed to allow enthusiasts to craft high-quality bourbon or moonshine from the comfort of their own homes.

This kit includes a specific mix of grains, malted barley, and specialized yeast to create a rich and distinctive flavor that is characteristic of bourbon or moonshine.

Our Bourbon Grain Kit  includes a blend of corn, rye, and barley, as well as malted barley and a specific strain of yeast designed to bring out the classic bourbon flavors.

The exact proportions and mix are carefully crafted to ensure a smooth and full-bodied finished product.

On the other hand, The Best Rye Moonshine Grain Kit includes a precise mix of rye grain, malted barley, and a different strain of yeast to produce a bold and spicy moonshine with a distinctive flavor profile.

All of our grain kits are carefully curated to provide home distillers with all the necessary components to create high-quality bourbon or moonshine, and they are designed to make the crafting process as simple and enjoyable as possible.

With these kits, enthusiasts can enjoy the satisfaction of producing their own spirits with a flavor that rivals professional distilleries.

Gathering the Ingredients

When it comes to cooking, one of the first and most crucial steps is gathering the ingredients. Whether you’re following a recipe or improvising in the kitchen, having all the necessary elements on hand is essential to a successful dish.

This process involves taking stock of what you have in your pantry, fridge, and spice rack, as well as making a list of any additional items you need to purchase. By carefully collecting all the ingredients before you begin cooking, you can ensure a smooth and efficient preparation process, and also avoid any last-minute dashes to the grocery store.

This step sets the foundation for a well-organized and enjoyable cooking experience, and it allows you to focus on the creative and rewarding aspects of the culinary process. By paying attention to gathering the ingredients, you can set yourself up for a satisfying and delicious end result.

Malted Barley

Malted barley and wheat differ significantly in their physical characteristics and protein levels, as well as their impact on moonshine production.

Barley is larger and more elongated, with a higher protein content, while wheat is smaller and rounder, with a lower protein content.

The use of malted barley in moonshine production is crucial for converting starches into sugars, which ultimately leads to the development of complex flavor notes in the final product. The malted barley adds depth and richness to the bourbon, enhancing its overall profile.

Our malted barley boasts superior qualities, including optimal moisture content, high protein levels, and exceptional diastatic power. It imparts a traditional European flavor profile to the beer and complements other brewing ingredients, resulting in a distinctive and satisfying taste experience.

Brewer's Red Flaked Wheat

Flaked wheat is a must-have ingredient for any brewing enthusiast, especially when creating wheat beer and smooth vodkas.

Flaked wheat, unlike malted wheat, does not have the necessary malted enzymes for sugar conversion in the brewing process. However, it does enhance the creamy and smooth mouthfeel while providing a subtle, sweet grainy taste.

Flaked wheat  will give your moonshine a distinct and delicious taste. 

The Best Yeast For Moonshine

Our high-quality distiller's yeast is the perfect addition to this wheat moonshine grain kit. Our yeast includes commercial high-end ingredients and is cultured to create a unique flavor. 

Using our yeast create robust and authentic aromatics and is perfect for all batch sizes. 

Whiskey Stones Made of Shungite
Whiskey Stones Made of Shungite
Whiskey Stones Made of Shungite
Whiskey Stones Made of Shungite
Whiskey Stones Made of Shungite

Whiskey Stones Made of Shungite

Regular price $29.99 Sale price $19.99
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Keep your drinks cool without diluting the taste with our shungite whiskey stones. 

When you put the time and effort into making your own shine you don’t want to see your hard work diluted down by ice. Instead, try our shungite whiskey stones!

Our shungite stones are made from pure shungite, an ancient stone that has been used for centuries for its ability to purify water and encourage good health.


Shungite is great at keeping your drink cold and it won’t dilute the taste like water. Plus these rocks are reusable, easy to store, and are an attractive addition to any glass. 


Which Stones Are Better for Whiskey? 

Traditionally whiskey stones are made of soapstone which is a natural non-porous stone. While these are perfectly adequate for keeping your drink cool, they do not offer the additional benefits of shungite. 


When using whiskey stones made of shungite, you are able to take advantage of shungite’s unique combination of stress-relieving and detoxifying properties. This can truly elevate your drinking experience. 


Shungite is also able to help you savor the flavor of your moonshine. Whiskey stones made out of shungite are a great way to indulge in the smooth and balanced flavor of your whiskey without any of the harshness that can often come with alcohol. 

Shungite keeps your drink perfectly chilled while also absorbing some of your moonshine’s bite to allow you to enjoy its unique flavor. 

Are Whisky Stones effective?

Shungite whiskey stones are incredibly effective at enhancing your drinking experience. Not only do they keep your drink at a perfect temperature, but they are also able to offer the unique abilities of shungite to elevate your drink.


In addition to their effectiveness, shungite whiskey stones are also extremely simple to store and use. Just pop the stones into your freezer until they reach your desired temperature and then add them to a glass of your favorite beverage. 


Shungite whiskey stones are a great option to enhance both your drink and your health. Shungite is known for its healing and protective properties.

Many health conscious people will add shungite to their water to experience its anti-inflammatory and antioxidants.


Shungite can also purify water and remove any contaminants. Centuries ago royalty would bathe in shungite for its health effects. 


Shungite stones can also be used over and over again making them an economical addition to your favorite cocktail. 

So whether you want to improve your health or improve your moonshine, these special rocks can help you make the most out of any drinking experience.


How Many Whiskey Stones Should I Use? 

Chill and infuse your drink with the health benefits of shungite by placing three or four stones in the bottom of your glass. The stones will keep your drink at the desired temperature, and impart a range of potential health benefits.

Do You Wash Whiskey Stones? 


Keep your favorite whiskey cool without diluting it with Whiskey Stones made of shungite. Easily rinse them off and place them in direct sunlight for 24 hours to charge, so you can enjoy your drinks for up to 30 days.


White Lightning 8 Gallon Moonshine Pot Still
White Lightning 8 Gallon Moonshine Pot Still
White Lightning 8 Gallon Moonshine Pot Still
White Lightning 8 Gallon Moonshine Pot Still
White Lightning 8 Gallon Moonshine Pot Still
White Lightning 8 Gallon Moonshine Pot Still
White Lightning 8 Gallon Moonshine Pot Still

White Lightning 8 Gallon Moonshine Pot Still

Regular price $469.99
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Experience the smooth, authentic taste of homemade moonshine with the White Lightning 8 Gallon Moonshine Pot Still. Carefully crafted with quality materials, this pot still is designed for easy use and assembly. Bring the joy and tradition of moonshining to your own home.

Your White Lightning 8 Gallon Still Includes The Following:

  • Essential Extractor Pot Distiller Moonshine Still- Column

  • Premium Kettle- 8 Gallon

  • Hose Pack for Distiller

  • Submersible Water Pump


The White Lightning 8-gallon Moonshine Pot Still boasts complete stainless steel construction and a traditional pot distillation mode. Crafted with top-of-the-line stainless steel dairy tubing and custom kettle parts, it is a part of the renowned How to Moonshine Craft Still Collection.


Crafted from premium stainless steel, the White Lightning 8-gallon Moonshine Pot Still is suitable for both moonshining and distilling essential oils.


Unlike other stills made from utility pails or dairy milk cans, our construction material is specifically designed for welding and heating. Trust in our quality materials for a superior product.


  • Runs in pot distillation mode only
  • 2" in diameter
  • Column is approz. 18" in height
  • Tri-Clamp ferrule on top of column
  • Made of dairy grade Stainless Steel beverage tubing


  • Stainless steel kettle
  • Pot still column with condenser and 2" tri-clamp connector
  • 1 stainless steel tri-clamp
  • 1 EPDM chemical tolerant gasket
  • Hoses with hose clamps
  • Submersible pump
  • Pure tan gum bung
  • Your choice of thermometer


Experience the ultimate in convenience and efficiency with our 8 Gallon Moonshine Pot Still. Simply choose from one band heater or one internal heating element to heat this powerful unit to perfection.

While an internal heater offers the most efficient heat source, it also brings a higher risk of scorching when working with grains.

When distilling alcohol, be sure to place a loosely-rolled copper mesh strip in the column for the vapor to pass through. The strip should be rolled tightly enough to stay in place, but not too tight to block the column completely.

Looking for a better thermometer? Upgrade to our Solar Digital thermometer with a 1/2" coupling at the top of the column for easy use and no more bung hassle!
